I talk about food a lot. And other stuff.

But mostly food.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Try something new!

The other day I had a hankerin' to try some new recipes.  Well, that and I couldn't figure out what was for dinner so I emptied the fridge and then went searching through my cookbooks for recipes using the stuff I had.  I had a lot of zucchini and summer squash and some left over grilled corn.  Martha Stewart told me to make Creamy Zucchini Soup and Corn Fritters with my chicken.

The soup would have been good if it hadn't tasted only of salt.  The first thing you do is sweat onions and A TABLESPOON of salt.  Yeah.  Don't do that.  I threw in some extra potatoes after the first taste to try to dull the flavor and boost the texture.  No dice.  This soup met it's garbage disposal fate about 10 minutes into its life.


The corn fritters, on the other hand, were pretty awesome.  There's hardly any batter - it just holds the corn together while it crisps up in the pan.  I will definitely make these again.  And if you're ever wondering if you can substitute grits for cornmeal, the answer is yes - but I got cornmeal for next time to make it more corny.  You know I love my corny.

Corny Goodness FTW!


  1. I still get night terrors from this one time I attempted a Martha Stewart pumpkin soup. It was a disaster not only in taste but while trying to dodge my husband a spatula slipped out of the pan and burned my leg. Man it's twitching even thinking about it.

  2. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm corn fritters.
    thanks for posting this!
